• Extract beautiful string. More beautiful if longer or if lexicogically greater (when equal). Link
  • Implementation of a Sorted List class. Push, pop, find, remove, and size methods. - Link
  • Magic index. With a sorted array of unique values, find the index equal to its value. - Link
  • Generate N pairs of parenthesis. - Link
  • Generate all the subsets from a given set. - Link
  • Quicksort sorting algorithm. - Link
  • Towers of Hanoi solver using recursion. - Link
  • Balance a weight of N grams placed in the left pan using given set of weights. Link
  • Get all the anagrams of a word. (Given a dictionary) - Link
  • Mergesort sorting algorithm using recursion and vectors. - Link
  • Covering pot holes in Matrix city. (published /r/dailyprogrammer question) - Link
  • Generate all the permutations of a given string. - Link
  • The N-Queens problem. Distribute the N queens in a NxN board without them interfering with each other. - Link
  • How many subsets in the current set have all the elements but one sum up to the last element. - Link
  • Simple way to reverse a string from input. - Link
  • String searching in linear time using KMP algorithm. - Link
  • Determine if a ransome note can be derived from a given magazine. - Link
  • Check if a given string is a palindrome. - Link
  • Binary Tree inserting, print in-order, print by level, find next node in-order. - Link
  • Largest sum from a contiguous sequence in an array. - Link
  • Generate all the combinations possible from a given list. - Link
  • Largest common substring between two strings. (Length only) - Link
  • Euler problem 8 (a^2 + b^2 = c^2 where a + b + c = 1000) - Link
  • Implementing Heapsort using vectors. - Link
  • Android app workout helper using the smolov jr. principle. - Link
  • Commenting system implementation similar to reddit's commenting layout. - Link
  • Blogging website written on the Ruby on Rails framework. - Link